Credit card processing: Don’t Let Your Bad Credit Stop You From Accepting VISA at your store
WE CAN GET YOU APPROVED. We specialize in hard to get ok’s accounts.
If you just lose one sales per month because you don’t except credit cards you have lost more that it costs to except credit cards
Benefits Of Accepting Credit Cards
1) Credit cards are instant loans for your customers
2) More ways to get paid
3) Can be used for other business.
4) Makes sales easier to close because your customers do not feel like they are spending any money
I can get less than perfect credit applications approved for merchant accounts. in Canada one of the main reasons your Merchant credit card processing application was declined or Rejected in toronto canada is usually Poor personal credit. Active collection on your credit report will tell the bank that you can not be trusted with a Payment Processing merchant account. The trust issue is about fraud or misuse of your with POS terminals in Ontario, Canada. They link a bad / poor credit report with a higher percentage of fraud. As a example credit card processing in toronto can pay you next day in your bank. But there is not a link to delivery of services. You may Accept debit with POS terminals in Ontario, Canada but not provide the services charged for. This leads to the other reason why your application is denied. Your names is on MATCH (The Member Alert to Control High-Risk (Merchants) File ) This list is controlled by the banks to warn other bank that you have had a chargeBack or dispute with any bank that is unresolved.
Lastly your type of business is not being loved by the bank. They see more fraud and less profit in your type of company.
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Or Call Paul at (416)-907-4618