Enjoy free credit card processing with surcharging. Accept credit cards at 0% cost to you Eliminate credit card costs when by passing fees along to your customers. 100% compliant and legal in Canada
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Are you apprehensive about charging your customers a fee for using Visa/MC? If so, offer them an alternative! Instead of just paying the money to you outright and getting nothing in return, customers can put the fee on one of your gift cards and let it build up until they can use the balance to make a purchase from you, or offset the cost of future purchases. All you need is the Clover POS or newer Smartphone model and you can stop paying thousands each year to the bank in credit card fees. That money can go right back into your pocket as customers return to spend their balances and more!
Do you offer gift cards for your product or service? If not, here’s why you should!
As gift cards became more attainable, they soared in popularity especially during gift season. Not only that, but countless people purchased them during the pandemic to keep their favourite businesses afloat when shopping and dining wasn’t an option. Those who didn’t have gift cards at the time regretted it, and many of them aren’t even around anymore.
Gift cards offer the control, ease, speed, convenience and satisfaction of cash without being tacky and impersonal. Rather, they give the option of a personal touch, but at the same time the consumer can choose something they want; something they need; something that actually fits. Unlike a gift certificate which could be thrown in a drawer, lost and forgotten about, a gift card fits easily into your wallet.
Gift cards can be probably displayed on the counter emblazoned with your logo, loaded safely upon purchase. Once they are purchased they act as a continued advertisement; reminders to the recipient each time they see it, greatly increasing brand awareness.
As a recommendation from regulars to new customers, the gift card grows your customer base and increases foot traffic. Businesses can offer (as) incentives, e.g. purchase $100 and get credit on an existing card, or a $10 gift card.
Studies show that in comparison to gift certificates, gift cards increase sales by 30%. What’s more, sponsorship can be used to offset the cost of cards, e.g, Coca-Cola wants to advertise on the gift cards, and in exchange they pay for the advertisement, or give the business a couple of cases of free Coca-Cola, which could be used for sale or personal use.
Customers have confidence in gift cards because they feel that the current and accrued credit will be actually used because it easily fits in their wallet, but businesses still make a large profit off cards and balances that never get used at all- it’s essentially free money.
Fraud; Deceit; Trickery, An Imposter, a Cheat. To put it lightly, not a nice person.
Nochargebacks.ca provides an online gateway or payment gateway, giving you and your customers peace of mind. With a nochargebacks.ca payment gateway, your clientele can spend money on their credit cards all around the world, and you receive payment within hours instead of having to wait 6 to 8 weeks to see reimbursement in your account.
With nochargebacks.ca, there is no more worrying about fraudulent purchases or having to refund your customers.
The only way a chargeback happens is if the customer doesn’t receive their merchandise following online payment. And, with the additional security in place, this almost never happens.
Why choose an Online Gateway with fraud protection
Online gateways have a number of benefits, but the greatest one is that, because of the fraud protection, the rates are cheaper. When both banks and merchants are saved the hassle of having customers call to complain that someone used their card to order a ten thousand dollar watch, they are happier.
Choose nochargebacks.ca. Better rates for you and your company, and better statistics next year from the Canadian Anti-Fraud Center!
We have a limited offer of Free Debit Machine. The ISO that is marketing their merchant account Canada wants to add new customers.
Costs per month for the Free Wireless Debit Machine 1) The unit is free — but the wireless data is not — such as bell cell network = $15.00 per month 2) Bank Fee of $5.00 Per month 3) App Fee of $15 (one time) 4) You need to do a minimum of $25 of service per month
No Lease – No Purchase – No Rent
$0.05 For debit + Visa 1.69%
You need —- Void cheque with a name printed on the top Photo Id ( such as a driver license) Proof that the business exists
Accept VISA at your store! We can get you approved for a POS debit card machine
We are a sales agent You will be dealing with the bank directly Application can be e-mail. No on site visit required. Unit sent via FEDEX 416-907-4618
338 Oakwood Ave, York, ON M6E 2V9, Canada If you have any issues with this form please call Apply Here Which Bank
Amex Rate 1.9% and pays next day 1.19% Visa Merchant Canada
After years of AMEX Rates in Canada of 3.5% for processing their credit card by a merchant, Now in 2018 Amex is 1.9% and pays out in 24 hours, not 7 days. No longer administered by AMEX. Also VISA at 1.19% Visa merchant credit card processing rate Canada
This ISO that is marketing their merchant account Canada wants to add new customers. Once their quota is met this offer ends. As Long as this page is up they are still looking. Free assessment of your provide merchant statements.
All our POS Terminals are manufactured by brand names like Verifone , Hypercom and Ingenico, industry leaders in providing reliable and efficient equipment for debit and credit card payment processing, and are made to last. Our Credit and Debit Card Terminals are small and affordable, with fast processing speeds and built-in thermal printers, allowing quick and easy customer transactions. Perfect for all types of Retail, Restaurant and Service industries. Choose from TableTop, Wireless Bluetooth, Wireless GPRS Mobile models
You need —-
Void cheque with a name printed on the top Photo Id ( such as a driver license) Proof that the business exists
Once you run a debit card and the customer puts in their pin. There is no way a customer can get their money back. Done
2) Pined Credit Cards Can Not Be Refunded
A swiped card on square can disputed by the card holder and a charge back may occur
3) Showing up with square in your phone looks amateur
People are picky about their credit cards getting lost in the web.
4) Our credit card processing get to you in 24-48 hours. Not like square and a week. Square holds the money because they do not know if the right card holder approved the purchase and also if the product is correct.
5) Square runs at 2.75% not 1.27. So if you run $100,000 over the year you are paying $2,750.00 per year
Based on getting GIFT CARDS not money. These giftCards are not welcome at most stores. In order to get them you are required to do a volume of sales.
Volume GIFTPASS Denomination $1,000.00 to $2,499.99 gets $150.00 $2,500.00 to $74,999.99 gets $300.00 $75,000.00 to $149,999.99 gets $400.00 $150,000.00+ gets $500.00 Moneris will contact eligible merchants directly with information on the GIFTPASS denomination and how to redeem the GIFTPASS, the redemption of which will be subject to the terms and conditions of the GIFTPASS and giftcertificates.ca (one GIFTPASS per eligible merchant).
This has to be done within a time frame
The gift will be provided in the form of a GIFTPASS® from Giftcertificates.ca™ delivered approximately 150 days after the merchant begins processing credit and debit transactions with Moneris, provided that: at such time the merchant continues to be an active Moneris merchant processing transactions under valid Agreements; and the merchant has processed at least $1,000.00 in Visa, MasterCard and/or Discover credit card volume with Moneris within the first 60 days following the date that the merchant processes the first credit or debit card transaction (the “Offer Processing Period”), provided that such first transaction is processed within the first 30 days of the Agreements. The denomination of the GIFTPASS will depend on the Visa, MasterCard and/or Discover credit card volume processed by the merchant during the Offer Processing Period as adove