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Are you apprehensive about charging your customers a fee for using Visa/MC? If so, offer them an alternative! Instead of just paying the money to you outright and getting nothing in return, customers can put the fee on one of your gift cards and let it build up until they can use the balance to make a purchase from you, or offset the cost of future purchases. All you need is the Clover POS or newer Smartphone model and you can stop paying thousands each year to the bank in credit card fees. That money can go right back into your pocket as customers return to spend their balances and more!
Do you offer gift cards for your product or service? If not, here’s why you should!
As gift cards became more attainable, they soared in popularity especially during gift season. Not only that, but countless people purchased them during the pandemic to keep their favourite businesses afloat when shopping and dining wasn’t an option. Those who didn’t have gift cards at the time regretted it, and many of them aren’t even around anymore.
Gift cards offer the control, ease, speed, convenience and satisfaction of cash without being tacky and impersonal. Rather, they give the option of a personal touch, but at the same time the consumer can choose something they want; something they need; something that actually fits. Unlike a gift certificate which could be thrown in a drawer, lost and forgotten about, a gift card fits easily into your wallet.
Gift cards can be probably displayed on the counter emblazoned with your logo, loaded safely upon purchase. Once they are purchased they act as a continued advertisement; reminders to the recipient each time they see it, greatly increasing brand awareness.
As a recommendation from regulars to new customers, the gift card grows your customer base and increases foot traffic. Businesses can offer (as) incentives, e.g. purchase $100 and get credit on an existing card, or a $10 gift card.
Studies show that in comparison to gift certificates, gift cards increase sales by 30%. What’s more, sponsorship can be used to offset the cost of cards, e.g, Coca-Cola wants to advertise on the gift cards, and in exchange they pay for the advertisement, or give the business a couple of cases of free Coca-Cola, which could be used for sale or personal use.
Customers have confidence in gift cards because they feel that the current and accrued credit will be actually used because it easily fits in their wallet, but businesses still make a large profit off cards and balances that never get used at all- it’s essentially free money.
Don’t Lose Customers Because You Don’t Accept Visa/MC! Gain Corporate Accounts!
No More Fees for Accepting Credit Cards! (credit card surcharge)
Typical overhead for any business includes lease, staffing, licensing, and, of course, credit card fees.. Until now. That fee that used to show up on your bill at the end of month is now a surcharge, just like with the $1.50 debit surcharge, except that it’s a percentage of the purchase. The customer pays it instead of you.
As of October 6, 2022, Merchants are permitted to apply a fee on Visa/MC credit card purchases. This means that any taxi cab driver/store owner, etc. with the right technology can accept Visa/MC without seeing a bill for the charges at the end of the month.
Rather, the customer pays the fee (convenience charge) at the time of purchase as they would with debit.
Another benefit to accepting credit cards is legitimacy and trustworthiness. The public knows that if they aren’t satisfied with your product or service, they can call the credit card company and reverse the charge-something that isn’t possible with cash or debit. It shows that you have faith in your company and that your customers should too!
Credit card purchases can be easily made without emotion, paid later, in instalments. Many of these are unnecessary, on a whim purchases that might not otherwise be made.
If your sales are as little as $30,000 you are already paying at least $720 in credit card fees each year, and if you aren’t accepting credit cards, you are losing hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in sales each month. Take advantage of this new opportunity- jump on board before everyone else finds out about it and levels the playing field!
Q. What is the process that a merchant must follow in order to surcharge Visa credit cards? A. A merchant that chooses to apply a surcharge to consumers who pay with Visa credit cards must: • provide it’s acquirer with a minimum of thirty (30) days advance written notice of it’s intention to surcharge • disclose it’s surcharging practices to cardholder at the point of interaction (POI) and on the cardholder’s receipt • apply a surcharge amount that complies with the surcharge cap/method as detailed in the Visa Rules:
A merchant may apply a surcharge at either the Visa brand level or the product level (but not both). (i.e., a merchant may surcharge all Visa credit card transactions, or only certain Visa credit cards, e.g., Visa Infinite) The maximum merchant surcharge for any transaction is 2.4%
Merchant surcharges are not permitted on Visa debit, prepaid card transactions or Amex cards.
As a marketing website for both First Data and Globe Payments we can get this done for you. Enjoy free credit card processing with surcharging. Accept credit cards at 0% cost to you